
It's been awhile but I'm back, and I have so many things to say!! I love LOVE hanging my new paintings on the walls in my studio. I really enjoy seeing them together as a group. So I was really excited when I participated in the Autumn Arts Festival last month and a couple wanted to buy two of my paintings. The woman was unsure as to which ones, and went round and round, trying to find 2 that she liked together. I had a secret stash of paintings in the back (new ones that I was keeping for my current show at Animas Chocolate & Coffee Co., but would sell if needed). My husband grabbed the one on the right "Kansas Intensity" and suggested it to go with the one on the left "Heaven's Rays". SOLD! It's very subtle, but I love the way that the bold, intense orange yellow in the Kansas field is picked up in the grass on the mountainside in Colorado. And while the originals have sold, prints are always available for purchase. Both of these can be found in the Sky Part Two note cards set (so I guess that subconsciously I knew that they went together all along!)


New Coasters